Support California Right to Repair Legislation

Just wanted to share a letter we wrote to our representatives in the California Assembly:

I own a small business that does repairs and after market sales of instruments that are vital to the technology innovation occurring in Silicon Valley. These instruments cost more than cars when new yet we do not have the same rights to access parts and schematics that are the norm in the auto repair field. Start-ups in Silicon Valley depend on us for used equipment that they cannot afford to buy new. I urge you to co-sponsor the Right to Repair legislation now before the California Assembly.

Just as background, Right to Repair legislation would make repair fair again in the state of California. As consumers, we should have the right to the following from the companies that we support:

Information: The documentation, software, and legal ability we need to repair our own products and equipment — or choose someone we trust to do it for us.

Parts and tools: Access to affordable service parts and tools, including diagnostics.

Silicon Valley Test & Measurement urges you to support the right to repair.  If you live in California you can contact your representative here.

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